Manor Farm

Manor Farm


I had a score to settle on Blunham. The week before it had got the better of me for most of the day. Filming and fishing were a disaster, and it was too hot.

This week though I was armed with what I had learnt in my last hour the previous week and I was determined to catch more fish and film myself doing it.

I arrived at the lake around 7.30 and was fishing by 8.30. I was itching to get the pellet waggler out, but it was too cool and too early.

I had set up two rods. An 11ft Middy pellet waggler with a 7gr Daiwa Carper, Size 14 KKH on a 15” 0.19 hook length. Set to a depth of 30”, mainline was Korum Glide Mono 0.23 8lb.

The method rod is a 10ft Middy Bagging Machine, not a new rod but still a great rod that’s seen lots of action. That had a 30gr Preston ICS method feeder with a size 14 KKH 4” 0.19 hook length, 8lb Daiwa Main Line.

I cast out the method feeder to 30 meters, without the clip, I needed to have the drag for these bigger fish. I had an 8mm pellet banded on the hook. I dropped a small but regular number of pellets over the feeder.

It wasn’t long before I was into my first fish, a 6lb common that gave a good account of itself before it ended up in my net.


Manor Farm
Great North Road
Lower Caldecote,
Biggleswade SG18 9BB

I continued the same routine and within 15 minutes I was into the second Carp of the day, this time an 11lb common.

Then there was a long spell of nothing. I choose to re-cast every 15 minutes to get some bait in the swim. I was rewarded a cast later with a battler of a carp. This time a 13lb Mirror.

Ninety minutes in, three nice fish, I had 45 minutes on the pellet waggler. This produced nothing but there were signs.

I put the method feeder out into the edge about 2-rod lengths away. Anyone who knows Blunham will tell you the edge is the place to be. Not much on there but a few signs. I swapped from a pellet to corn and tried again in front.

This produced a few skimmers plus a Bream around 3lbs. The sun was now well over the trees and it was getting warm. There were signs of Carp rising so I fired out a few 8mm pellets at regular intervals, 20 mins of that and I was back on the pellet waggler.

Ten minutes in and I missed my first bite, it took me a little by surprise, but I was ready for the second one. A nice tight line came up out of the water and I felt the tug of a nice fish. Then as quickly as it was on it was off. Signs were good now, so I stuck at it.

What was maybe 10 or so casts over 3 to 4 8mm pellets I sent out a well-timed cast right over my last feed, nice tight line and the float went. I stuck into it and again I felt the tug back from a nice fish, this one was well hooked.

A 10-minute or so battle from this hard-fighting common it was in my net and on the bank. Only 11lb but great fun.

Happy I had made a point and got one back on the lake I packed up.


Blunham at Manor Farm has over the years given me a few ups and a lot of downs but for the summertime when the fish are rising, a geared-up pellet waggler has produced some nice fish and is the only way I want to fish this lake now.

Of course, that’s not always possible. I have had fish out on the method feeder, and on the pole in the edge so on the right day with the right method and some patience this lake can provide a day of entertainment and fun fishing.

Clicker Score - 48



£15 includes two rods


Becks Lake
Blunham Lake
Booneys Lake
Carp Lake
Damsel Lake
Match Canal
Winters Lake

Main Methods (Blunham)

Pellet Waggler
Method Feeder

Most Carp Methods

Special Rules (Blunham)

No Boilies
No Night Fishing

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